
Always wanted to write your memoirs or your life story but didn’t know how or where to start?
La’Nelle Gambrell teaches a no fail method of writing your life story by following one simple task at a time and she teaches this process, to one student at a time.
Anyone can write their memoirs or the story of their life . . . If you can talk– with this  instruction, you can write! After all, there’s no mystery to the story, it happened to you!
Online One-on-One Workshop Description:
Learn simple steps that will turn your life story into a written work
Workshop Requirements:
1.  A desire to write your story
2.  An open mind
3. A willingness to complete simple writing exercises
4.  Pen, paper (or laptop)


You may be surprised at the benefits of writing down your life experiences. Not only will you be preserving your memories as an amazing legacy for your children and future descendants but very often writing ones memoirs serves as a catharsis to understanding and healing.

Writing your memoir will allow you to share your thoughts and experiences in a way that will help others to know the real you and the realities of your life. Future generations will want first hand accounts of what our lives were like in the past. With the advent of email, Facebook, Twitter, etc where messages are quickly and tersely written and just as quickly deleted . . . How will they ever know?

This course will be  presented in simple and easy to follow, one-two-three steps, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your memories become a written story! In just a few minutes you’ll be well on your way. By following this easy format, there will be no such thing as writer’s block, you’ll be prompted to continue telling your story each step of the way!

You’ll begin with a few simple questions to jump start your memories and from then on simply follow the instruction format. You’ll be given prompts to move your story from one event to the next so that your story will flow, prompts to maintain the correct sequence of events and examples to choose from to help in transitions from one event to another. It’s almost as easy as filling in the blanks but it’s your life and your choice of events to record!

Start your trip down memory lane today! Take this ultimate Memoir Writing  course right now and start writing your life story!

One week, online class via email with initial phone consult . . . $350.00

Phone or Skype follow up (1 hour) . . . $70.00

 Workshop instructor is La’Nelle Gambrell,  author and playwright , also an artist. Long time contributor to Texas Magazine, Author of the national organization Romance Writer’s of America Handbook, Healer’s Daughter, Prince of Texas, Frikken Justice and work in progress, a compilation of Ozark unexplained mysteries. Read more about her credentials on the HOME page.